Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dipped Cones, Exhaustion & Cutting the Grass

Org. Post Date 6/2/09

I always thought I had some understanding of what it meant to be tired, but until now I had no idea. As the morning sickness, or as I like to call it, lunch or night sickness has slowly dwindled, the pure exhaustion has increased. Some days I can’t keep my eyes open to make it through the day. As my career has started to take off, that leaves little time for sleep, much less play. The desire to eat a “dipped” cone from Dairy Queen keeps me up at night, although I have not had one of those in at least 15 years. Needless to say, having a craving that is a good hour plus a way to get, has not been fulfilled... or at least not yet (the Dairy Queen 15 minutes from the house closed down and the closest one is on the other side of Pensacola, FL). Besides wanting a chocolate covered treat, the next best thing is sleep. I have also noticed that no longer can I stand to see certain items out of order. If you know me well, then it’s clear that I’m a little OCD when it comes to work, but at home, well that’s another story. Lately I have had the urge, as I like to call it, to pick up or make things look nice. I really started to notice this, this past weekend. I went outside to water my new hanging flowers and realized I could not get to the water hose, because our grass was in need of a trim. Well… again for those of you, who truly know me, I’m not one for yard work. Normally I would have just gone around the house and gotten water from the other side and not thought about the grass, well this time was different. I decided right then, that I need to cut the grass… and by cut the grass I mean the acre plus of grass. You guessed right, I have never done that task before… but lucky for me, Chase was more than willing to show me how to use the riding lawn mower (because I had only used a push one a hand full of times, I know sad) – and I must say… it was a blast! Me saying yard work was a blast – I know crazy. Dishes and laundry not even close, but for Chase’s hopes and dreams, I’m sure he wishes those things would seem like fun any day now.

As the weekend went by, so did an event at work, and Sunday was full of more organizing (well finishing the yard work and me deciding to re-organize part of my bedroom). One thing I have come to realize through this experience is it is not the best idea to go through the past (i.e. boxes, old memories) when you have out of control hormones and emotions you can’t seem to control. Now, I seem to look back and question things…

I go back to the doctor in only a few short days and although the blood work and the long wait at the office seems endless, I can’t wait. As each day goes by, the anticipation builds for our bundle of joy to arrive. Now if only I had some pants that would fit, life would be grand – until then I will stick with the B Band – because being between normal clothes and maternity is something no one ever really explained would happen.

More updates and picture to come… until then keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

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