Monday, October 29, 2012

Pee or not to pee

Went to check on hunter (as he had been outside for about 15-20 minutes) and he is waddling down the hill with no jacket or shirt and his pants and diaper around his ankles. He said he wanted to go pee pee as he was shaking from the cold air (its 54 outside). Maybe this is a sign that he is finally ready to potty train. Once inside I asked him what he was doing and he said I was trying to pee but went in my diaper and then he busted out in laughter.
This kid just cracks me up sometimes. I am thankful that none of my neighbors were home. Maybe this coming weekend we will attempt potty training again.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Meet BOB

Today our newest addition BOB joined the family. After hundreds of hours of research, I finally found a jogging stroller that not only would hold a tall 2 yr old, but also an infant. I wanted something with a front wheel that would swivel and be fixed, with separate sun shades for each kid and also some what easy to push. With that said I had a lot to try and find in a stroller that didn't cost a small fortune. I had been searching Craigslist, eBay consignment stores and amazon for weeks and thought I found the perfect one (it was even brand new) but right before ordering realized the stroller wouldn't hold my infant car seat and Fisher could not ride until he was 6 months. Then last night after my daily check of Craigslist I came across a month old post for a 09 Bob revolution double jogger (brand new a $650 stroller) - while this one had been loved (aka very used), it was the right price and still available! Today I picked it up and once arriving home Hunter was waiting in the garage to see it. He had to take it for a test drive around the neighborhood (mind you it's 50 degrees and windy - here in Alabama that's cold). Even with one kid, it pushed great (most doubles when you only have one kid it pushes horribly). It's easier to push than my graco travel system and a smoother ride. I totally see why they charge so much for the bobs, since even a double umbrella is at least $100... With that being said I'm completely thankful for the steal of a deal that I got (tomorrow I'm gonna try and clean it). By far I know I made a great choice, as during hunter's bed time we do our best part of our day and his words were "my favorite was the stroller mommy"

Friday, October 26, 2012

2nd time around

With my oldest, I followed all of the so called rules. I wouldn't dare to put him on his belly, let him fall asleep on my chest instead he had to sleep in his crib or bassinet always laying him down while awake. This time around I want to enjoy every second of cuddle time (as my 2 1/2 yr old refuses to cuddle unless he is sick). While I know I may pay for it later when it comes to sleeping, I can't help but want to enjoy this for as long as possible. Overall my little guy sleeps ok. Still nothing longer than 3 hrs between feedings, but since our pediatrician has recommended adding ar formula to bottles I'm hoping to try it out this weekend and praying it extends sleep time. In the mean time I'm gonna enjoy the short time I left of cuddle time before I go back to work.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

6 week check up

Today I took Fisher for his big 6 week check up. He weighed in at 11 pounds 15 ounces and 23.5 inches long - he gained 2 pounds since our last time in (2 weeks ago), making him in the 90th percentile for weight (before he was 70th). He is growing so very quickly! Fisher was so very happy when we arrived, laughing and giggling with the pediatrician, but he ended the visit with a big round of shots. The pediatrician was very impressed with his weight gain and would like us to try the ar formula again (with hopes that he will spread out feedings at night - last time we tried the ar he hated it, so if that doesn't work the doctor said to add rice). Since arriving home he has slept (of course he will only sleep if in his money's arms). Hoping he feels better this afternoon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A night full of smiles 10/24

Today was a busy day around the Webb house. Fisher spent the evening full of smiles and giggles. While Hunter was super excited about his special "Halloween" gift from his Nana and Ms Patty, he then ended the evening making himself into his papa during bath time. It's hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by. It seems like yesterday hunter was fisher's size (6 weeks today). Their smiles make my heart melt and make all of the other times when I want to pull my hair out worth it. I'm one lucky mama to have such amazing little boys!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Photo Card

It's official our family has grown since our last post!  Fisher joined our family on Sept. 12th.  He is an amazing little boy!!  Chase and I are incredibly blessed to have two adorable boys.
Licorice Dot Blue Baby Announcements
View the entire collection of cards.