Sunday, August 23, 2009

August With All Of Its Ups & Downs...

Exactly 26 kisses from Chase & 26 kisses from Butter Bean

Cooper after our beach trip (8.16.09) Me - 24 weeks (8.15.09)

So much has happened in the month of August.. and I must say I'm glad the month is almost over. At our last doctor's appointment (22 weeks), we found out that the baby needed to go see a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist for a special ultrasound of his little kidneys. Something, that took us for a scare, but after talking with my mom, I realized our little guy might have the same problem that my little sister had at birth (which can be fixed), but until our appointment in Sept., we won't know much. I also founded out there are a few places on my very fair skin that didn't look so great either and I needed to go see a dermatologist (hopefully Butter Bean has his dad's skin). Good news, is that everything else seemed to be going better with the pregnancy, not as many sciatic nerve problems.
Just as I started to be able to cope with the news of the kidney problem, I started to notice I was having some strange pain on my right side. At first I just thought my tummy was growing so fast and my ligaments couldn't keep up, but one night after I had Chase put lots of lotion on the tummy, he noticed I had a large lump in the same place I was having such horrible pains from. At this point I discussed it with my mom and she suggested that I call and tell the doctor. Well at first I didn't think much of it, but after a lunch meeting on a Thur. afternoon, I noticed my side was really hurting. After a short phone call with my doctor's nurse, I started to worry.. one because normally when they call me back its 30 to 45 minutes later, but this time it was less than 5 minutes, next from the tone in her voice I could tell something was wrong, so when she told me I needed to come in the next day and see a different doctor in the practice (my doctor was off that day), I knew it was something serious. Dr. McGrath had said she thought it could be my gall bladder. That night I came home a little worried to a beautiful home made surprise early birthday cake - which of course made the news not so bad... although that night I woke up a few times in horrible pain. Long story short, the next day, Dr. Ives, informed us that my gallbladder was the problem and he sent me to get blood work, an ultrasound and to see a surgeon & to stay away from cake (well any fatty foods). After a bit of a painful weekend, I made it through without having to go to the ER (which Dr. Ives was a little worried about). I had a great night at our friend Katie and Andrew's house warming party, and a relaxing 26th birthday (Chase took me to brunch & then we took Cooper to the beach that afternoon). Monday I spent the rest of the day at the surgeon's office. We found out that they didn't see any gall stones (which is a plus), but that didn't mean they were not there (sometimes they hide).. due to me being prego they couldn't do further tests... so like we had been told that past Friday, that I would have to change my diet, take pain meds and try and relax and after the the baby is born, they will do more tests and most likely go in and take out my gall bladder. We also found out, as the doctor put it "its my problem and not the baby's - he shouldn't be effected by my little, but painful problem."

So between the many doctors appointments in the month of August.. we are so glad this month is coming to an end. We have almost finished the baby's room. Our original idea for the room, has changed, but the room will look great. We hopefully will get the bedding in the mail this week (thanks to my wonderful Aunt Kendra). Today Chase and I painted the rocker for the room and cleaned out part of the house to make more room for our little man. More updates to come over the next 2 weeks.. until then please keep our little guy in your thoughts and prayers, as all we want is for him to be healthy.

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